
Dawal Malik: A village in Karnataka which has houses with no doors

Dawal Malik: A village in Karnataka which has houses with no doors

None of the 80-plus houses in the hamlet located just a kilometre away from Mulagund town in Gadag district in Karnataka have doors because they believe that Hazrat Dawal Malik, a Sufi saint, protects them all.
| Video Credit:
The Hindu

None of the 80-plus houses in the hamlet located just a kilometre away from Mulagund town in Gadag district in Karnataka have doors because they believe that Hazrat Dawal Malik, a Sufi saint, protects them all.

We visited the hamlet and spoke to people to know the reason and the history behind all of it.

Read full story here:

Reporting: Girish S Pattanashetti, Video: Kiran Bakale

Voiceover: Nalme Nachiyar, Editing: Ravichandran N

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