Depardieu testifies at sexual assault trial, saying, ‘I won’t hide, it’s hard’

Actor Gérard Depardieu has begun testifying on Day 2 of his trial on sexual assault charges, saying, “I won’t hide, it’s hard.”
PARIS — French actor Gérard Depardieu began testifying Tuesday on Day 2 of his trial on sexual assault charges, saying, “I won’t hide, it’s hard.”
In his gruff, deep voice so familiar to global cinemagoers, the 76-year-old former Oscar nominee said it was “very emotional” for him to be in the Paris court, answering charges of assaulting two women on a movie set in 2021.
He has denied any wrongdoing. But the French screen legend acknowledged to the court that his behavior is regarded by some as boorish.
“I’ve always been told I have a Russian nature, I don’t know if it’s because of the drinking or the vulgarity,” he said.
Depardieu is accused of having groped a 54-year-old set dresser and a 34-year-old assistant during filming in 2021 of “Les Volets Verts” (“The Green Shutters”).
The actor faces up to five years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros ($81,000) if convicted.
Because of Depardieu’s fame and impact on the French movie industry, his trial is seen as an important test of French willingness to confront sexual violence and hold influential men accountable.