
How To Keep Your Smartphone Cool This Summer: 5 Easy Ways –

During the summer’s extreme temperatures in India. the IMD issuing a heatwave warning, learn five tips to keep your smartphone cool, prevent overheating, and ensure optimal performance. 

How To Keep Your Smartphone Cool This Summer: 5 Easy Ways

How to Keep Your Phone Cool This Summer as IMD Issues Heatwave Warning?

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a heatwave warning across the country with extremely hot temperatures taking over Delhi and other parts of India. While we take safeguard to stay cool ourselves, our smartphones need some care too! Here are some easy tips to keep your smartphone from overheating during this steamy summer:

  1. Avoid Direct Sunlight – The phones work harder and generate more heat. When Phones Are Used in direct sunlight can crank up its screen brightness. The Phones will be more comfortable level and reduce the heat build-up in the phone. Try to use your phone in the shadow, which will help keep the screen brightness at a lower. 
  2. Give Your Phone Some Rest – Your phone will overheat engaging yourself in demanding tasks like gaming or video streaming. your phone has a chance to cool down and prevent overheating, if users take breaks from these activities.  
  3. Manage Background Tasks – Your device will overheat, because background apps can drain your battery. User should close any apps if they are not actively using the phone. To keep your phone cool, user when don’t need data or calls, switch to Airplane mode to reduce background processes.
  4. Remove the Case – While smartphone cases protect your phone, they can also trap heat. Consider using a slimmer case or going case-free, especially when smartphone are on charging mode. as the phones generates extra heat avoid using your phone while it’s in charging mode. Also cheap or damaged chargers, which can also contribute to overheating.
  5. Avoid Direct Sunlight Indoors – The Phone can be avoided from direct sunlight. If you’re working indoors, keep your phone away from windows where direct sunlight falls. Similarly, when driving, avoid placing your phone on the dashboard of the car.

You can help keep your phone cool and useful during the intense heatwave by following these simple points. 

Stay safe and take care of your phones in these scorching, climbing temperatures!!

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