Hrithik Roshan’s sister Sunaina Roshan on her battle with alcoholism: ‘The worst phase of my life…’ | Bollywood News

Hrithik Roshan’s sister Sunaina Roshan has opened up about her battle with alcoholism. In an interview, Sunaina called it the “worst phase of my life.” She also shared that she asked her parents to find a good rehabilitation centre to help her overcome alcoholism.
In an interview with Siddharth Kannan, Sunaina said, “Alcohol is not a bad thing but alcoholism is where you do not have control over your drinks. So I was going through a very very difficult time. I was very vulnerable emotionally and wanted to numb my senses so I was drinking. I know that was the worst phase of my life.”
She added that her addiction overpowered her, and at times, she would drink throughout the day, creating a vicious cycle.
“I have fallen off beds, injured myself, I had a slip from a chair and it was a very very difficult phase. It’s a vicious cycle because you get a high, your brain is numb, and the next day it’s like you get more anxiety, more panic attacks, dehydration, you have no energy to do anything, so you don’t want to get back into a good state, you start drinking again,” said Hrithik’s sister.
Sunaina Roshan also shared that she was determined to overcome her alcohol addiction. “I sat my parents down I said this is the environment and I really want to come out of it.” She added that she asked her parents Rakesh Roshan and Pinkie Roshan to find a good rehabilitation center for her.
Sunaina shared that her decision to overcome the situation made her parents and her brother, Hrithik Roshan, incredibly proud of her.